Everest Blog: Homeward Bound With Blessings
Day 15 - 17 The climbing team finally makes it back to Namshe Bazzar. We sleep over night, trek down to Lukla, and are to stay another...

Everest Blog: Day Eight and Nine
Day 8 We wake up and it’s snowing. It doesn’t feel too cold on the inside of the tent from our bodies warming it up through the night....

Everest Blog: "Tragedy Strikes"
Day 7 We start out as flakes fall gently around us and soon there are no longer trees, just a tar-black rocky landscape mottled with...

Everest Blog: Day Five and Six Of Trek
DAY 5 of Trek I wake at 5:30 a.m. and know that the other trekkers are sound asleep. I want to write, but can’t in our cramped room. I...

Everest Blog: Morning Day Four Of Trek - "The Reincarnated God"
Day Four of Trek Today we start out as a group, at last all together. I trek with Herman at a slower pace. He’s the oldest of the group,...

Everest Blog: Afternoon Day Three Of Trek - "Two-Step, Pause"
Afternoon of Day Three of Trek. Now that the helicopter is gone, I’m ready to climb the rock steps to our hotel. It’s way past noon and...

Everest Blog: Morning Day Three Of Trek - The Beaten Path
Morning of Day Three of Trek *Picture quality is poor due to limited data usage. Will replace once we have internet.* Today we are to...